Sunday, August 17, 2008

Good Eats and My New Friend Rocky

Today was church day. So after a breakfast of pancakes and bacon, and let me just say, that I love me some bacon. I really do! I would rather eat bacon that anything else. Except maybe Cheetos. Or gold fish crackers. I'm pretty fond of oranges too. Grapes aren't bad.. Sorry, I got side-tracked by food talk. After breakfast we went to church.

I had fun in my class. There were soooooo many toys and other boys and girls to play with. I was sad to leave. What a great place!

Anyway, after church we came home and had a bite of lunch. I settled on cheddar cheese (another personal favorite), red and green grapes, and gold fish crackers. I also had a couple Cheetos.

After lunch Auntie and I went outside to play and I found the coolest rock. It was so perfectly shaped! We made a video and sent it to Soldier Mommy. Every time I watch that video I laugh so hard! It just cracks me up. Sadly, Auntie cannot seem to figure out how to upload the video to youtube. She's a little bit technically challenged. I love her, but if she'd just listen to me WE could upload that video for your viewing pleasure. Instead, you'll have to enjoy this lame picture.

Last weekend my Soldier Mommy's sister, Soldier Auntie, came for a visit and brought my newest cousin. I love him. He's so little, which makes me soooo big. When you're only 2.5 feet tall you gotta take it where you can get it. Here is a picture of me and the little guy. Isn't he cute?

It's a quiet Sunday here and we are all just kickin' back. The best part about today is that my Soldier Mommy will be home in ONE WEEK!

Hip, hip, hooray!


Anonymous said...

My what big eyes he has!!!! CUTIE!

Amber said...

That picture of the him and baby is hilarious! Yeah, he loves him some food... *sigh* That boy is gonna cost me a fortune in food... LOL